If Your Date Shows Up Wearing A Shirt Covered In One Of These...

If Your Date Shows Up Wearing A Shirt Covered In One Of These...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pervert Or Pure Love Of Christ?...You Be The Judge

In my endeavor to meet Mr. Right, a guy who I had met only once called me up late one evening and asked if he could stop by because he..."Happened to be in the neighborhood." I had worked late and had decided to hit the gym afterwards, so after such a long day I welcomed the company. We both ended up pulling into my driveway at the same time, which left me no time to freshen up. Alas, being the fabulous hostess that I am I turned on the TV for him while I quickly showered. As I opened the bathroom door that led to my master bedroom, I immediately saw what looked like a pile of mens clothing on the floor--britches and all. The inner-voice that we all posses was screaming at me not to look up, but that other inner-voice, the one that ultimatley makes us all turn into rubber neckers as we pass horrific accidents on the side of the freeway, totally overpowered it and I had no choice but to gawk at the hot mess that was in front of me. There he stood, in all his glory, Disaster # 604, trying to attempt a smoldering look on his face...like I had ordered the Skin-a-max or something. Does anyone out there know how I would go about trying to stab my minds eye out?! Nevertheless, my mother has always taught me to give people the benefit of the doubt. So I found myself contemplating the 2 obvious options. 1) Was he literally trying to give me the clothes off his back? OR 2) Was his intention to try and 'tag' this like a Facebook Photo? One will never know, because I picked up his clothes, and sent him packing. Literally. Not figuratively.

I believe Confucius said it best when he said: "Never take "Sch-Long" time in the shower when you have company waiting."

If your date turns your bedroom into a nudist colony...Then GURRRLL YOU KNOW THAT IS....UNDATABLE!


  1. OMG! Too funny! I love your posts! Keep them coming!

  2. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Giving you the shirt off his back! GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! love it!
